We Talked on the radio FM-KITAQ
We talked on the radio program "KEROKO NEISAN'S WEEKEND PARTY" by FM-KITAQ.
Suffering from a bad cough,son talked in "Dice talk". When the question "If you get a lot of money by lottery, what do you do or want" appeared, my son told that he would get his own house or apartment to play with N-gage railway train. I replied that I would get my own music studio at the same question. Getting to my home, I thought that I should talk about "Zenpo Koennfun" old big graveyard after my death. Today's music are "HIRAODAI CROSS COUNTRY RACE SONG" "The bridge for glory/ YUZU" "Your Love is like a flower/ Harb Pedersen". Thanks for litenning and watching. Thanks for Ms. YAMAGUCHI and othres.

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