HIRAODAI CROSS COUNTRY RACE SONG is authorized as official song
On Mar. 18th HIRAODAI CROSS COUNTRY2012 was held at Mt.Hiraodai Kokura Minami ward. It was rainy day same as 1 year ago. Last year race was special because NHK staff follow us with video camera to have prgram source of "KITAKYU-no-UTA". This race was special too. Our "HIRAODAI CROSS COUNTRY RACE SONG" is authorized as official song. At the opening ceremony, we were introduced as writers and players of the official song. Our music CD was played over and over again at Hiraodai. After ending ceremony we performed "HIRAODAI CROSS COUNTRY RACE SONG" with guitar and banjo. This song give us many of funny experience. A reporter of press asked something about the song, and article about us appeared on the paper next day. We give our thanks to NHK-Kitakyushu, Kokura minami ward, FM-KITAQ, Live house Folk village and others.

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